This whole thing started with a question from my SIL on Mother's Day, "Have you ever knit socks?" My answer was, "No, because sock yarn is usually wool." But, I got to thinking with all the new fibers, surely knitters had more choices, like bamboo and cotton blends. So I went on a quest to find the best circular needles, the best sock method/book (no local yarn shops with classes), and sock yarn in blends less than 50% wool (I have allergies to wool fibers).
I posted an off topic question about circular needles on the treadle owners' list and it just sort of evolved from needles to books on knitting socks. One lady said the best book was The Crazy Toes and Heels Sock Book by Mary Ann Beattie. Her claim that I could knit socks with any yarn in my own gauge and two circular needles, no little needles sliding out and dropping tiny stitches; sold me. I joined the Yahoo help list and ordered the book.
Well, I must say, Mary Ann's method is easy. If you can knit and read instructions, socks are a moderate challenge with a worsted weight yarn. I now feel confident to try my second pair with finer yarn. And, yes, they will match this time. ;)