But soon a heavy slushy rain came pelting down. It was almost hail but not quite. It splattered and started to cover the ground. I stood and watched and all of a sudden, a huge thunder clap broke through the sound of the pelting rain and lightening lit up the sky followed by a sound that could have been a jet breaking through the sound barrier. The sound was so low and close, I almost expected to hear a crash but only silence came and snow fell heavily.
By the time I went to bed, there was probably over an inch of fresh heavy snow. When I woke up to blue skies at 8 am, it looked like there had been about 3 inches. But did the sun last? No! It is now snowing heavily again. There is always a last blast of winter at the end of February in our valley. It brings a cruel halt to the signs of spring and often surprisingly warm days.
And the quilt? The binding is on. I will do a label for it after it is washed. The batting is cotton, I like to see how the shrinkage shows up the quilting.

Love your quilt. I also find myself so ingrossed in my sewing that it's nearly morning before I decided I SHOULD probably lie down for a while. And, I'm an early riser so it is just a bit sometimes. Like the postcard also. Didn't have time to browse any further as I've got to go to work pretty soon. BTW, I just live down The River a ways...near Biggs, OR, but on the WA side. We're STILL having that Last Blast of Winter it seems. Good to meet you.
Thank you for the kind words! I hope spring visits Goldendale, soon. We have had two nice warm days, here.
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