Since I like to make bags, I took up the challenge of joining in the Think Pink Tote Bag exchange on the treadle owners list. The construction of the bag had to be done on a manually powered sewing machine but the embellishment could be done on any e-machine. I used Stephan, my White Free Rotary to fulfill the treadle's obligations for the straight stitching but the decorative stitches and seam finishes were done with a Pfaff 7570 and a BabyLock serger respectively.
Here is Sharon's bag for the exchange:

The next tote below is a gift for my DDIL in Seattle. I read in a recent news article the stores in Seattle can charge 20 cents per bag issued if the customer does not bring their own. I decided a set of grocery bags were a perfect gift for her birthday. The decorative band of fabric is from a pair of shorts I made her DH when he was in Kindergarten or 1st grade.
The construction was done on Olivia, the Singer Fashion Mate 252, treadled in the Singer 66 cabinet. Again supporting roles were played bythe Pfaff 7570 and the BabyLock serger.

If you want the basic instructions for the grocery tote, click below to download a *.pdf file:
Bag Instructions
The construction was done on Olivia, the Singer Fashion Mate 252, treadled in the Singer 66 cabinet. Again supporting roles were played bythe Pfaff 7570 and the BabyLock serger.

If you want the basic instructions for the grocery tote, click below to download a *.pdf file:
Bag Instructions
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