Saturday, November 11, 2017

Folding Crystal's Grocery Bag

I obsess about bags and collect more patterns than I will ever make.  One of my favorites for groceries is this one from Stitched by Crystal.
An oops that made this bag mine.  Careful with one way designs on the fabric.  ðŸ˜‰  
This bag looks like this when stuffed full of groceries:
If you make one of Crystal's bag, consider using the continuous facing method for the handles.  They will look very professional.  Here are clear instructions for that method:

Another thing I do differently is leave off the elastic and just fold the bag and wrap one of the handles around it to keep it neat and tidy in the side pocket of the car door.
  1. Start with the bag flat.
  2. Fold the bag in half and then again.  Note that the right half is folded under the left half so the handles remain on top.

  3. The next fold is not quite in half again.  The handles extend above about an inch so there will be some ease to wrap around easily.  Note that the bottom half was folded under.  
  4. Next make another fold.  The handles must remain on top.
  5. Next insert your finger at the top and between the loop of the top handle.
  6. Take the top section of the loop and flip it to the back of the folded bag to enclose it and expose your finger that stabilized the handle.
  7. Now your folded bag should be in a tidy little packet.
That's it.  Use and enjoy!