Friday, January 26, 2018

Elm Street Quilts January Finish: Quilt Opening

Elm Street Quilts January Finish
The quilt was finished and off to the shower just in the nick of time. I am not a whiz with the binding method I chose but it is practical for baby quilts and the simple quilt needed a little extra color.

The label was the real road block.  One of my New Year's resolutions for the last few years since EQ Stitch came out as an add-on for EQ Quilt has been to learn to use it.  This year and this quilt became my mantra.

The program is really quite easy and there are instructional videos by the author of the EQ workbook on YouTube so I had no trouble selecting the lettering process and giving it a test run.  While I managed to produce a label with rather small lettering with serifs, I discovered that block lettering on a larger scale is probably the best use of the program along with appliques and simple shapes.

Discovering that I can't use computer fonts for the smaller lettering in a signature on a quilt label was a disappointment.  It seems that only expensive digitizing software handle this task and for just a quilt label, I will be satisfied with my ancient version of Embird editing software and the three fonts I purchased for lettering.

With lettering off the list, I still want to learn the other functions of EQ Stitch.  A cute applique would be fun to add to a quilt label.  Maybe next time.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Elm Street Quilts January 2018 Link-up: ASAP

The binding is ready, the quilt is sitting accordion folded on the table, and the baby shower is scheduled for this month.  Let's finish this quilt!