Sunday, September 30, 2018

Elm Street Quilts OMG September Finish Linkup: Brief and to the Point

Elm Street Quilts OMG Finish for September
Goal met, binding is on.  I am pleased to have another UFO completed for the September Elm Street Quilts OMG.  DH likes the quilt so much, I haven't gifted it.   Hanging or otherwise displaying the quilt is questionable.  The two rooms where it would look best don't have wall space for hanging or furniture where it can be draped.   We are still debating the issue.  My good intentions of blessing someone with this quilt have been temporarily sidetracked.   


  1. Lovely quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. You are allowed to bless yourself with a quilt, too. Just drape it over the arm of a sofa, for use when needed.
