Thursday, July 26, 2018

July is a Productive Month

While I ignored the challenges of the quilt top in the previous post, the youngest of the 2 grands and I tie dyed.  Well really, the 6 year old was the only one that really had any interest.  Our efforts were rewarded and he was very pleased with the results.  So was mom.  We dyed some flour sack dishtowels for her.  The three basic colors in the Dharma kit were very bright and attractive.  I will order them the next time I plan a tie dye event.

The week before I completed a patchwork skirt.  While it is not exactly as I envisioned, DH likes it and that is a huge plus.
Rafiki Skirt Pattern from Craftsy

The skirt goes well with a recent bracelet I made. 
Now to complete a necklace. 

From all appearances, some think I have returned to my hippie days.

1 comment:

  1. I love tie dyed shirts. I took a class, when I was 9-10, but, I don't remember any of it, other than lots of rubber bands. I buy my tie dye shirts when I can find them. Lots of fun memories with your grands. Have fun with your new skirt and bracelet.
