Saturday, June 2, 2018

June Elm Street Quilts OMG: Movie Time!

This is a special quilt for a best friend who was my dear neighbor until the end of February.  It was her birthday recently and a few weeks ago she saw this quilt top and loved it.  So, once the binding and a label are on, she will get a personal delivery.  I don't send quilts in the mail.
June Elm Street Quilts OMG: Bind the Whirligigs in the Garden quilt
While I sew on binding, I watch a movie or listen to a book.  There are too many movies on my queue so I have a good excuse to curl up in my favorite chair and stitch away.
The Go Cutter made just the right amount of bias binding from 17 inches of the bubble striped fabric.


  1. Lovely quilt. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project!

  2. That quilt knew it would be loved as you were making it.
