Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Elm Street Quilts March OMG Link Up: A Good Month for Quilting

Spring is here but our weather is still mostly cold and rainy.  With only one day of sunshine that was not claimed with other commitments, I was able to start work on garden duty.  Otherwise, finishing up the quilts I started in February was an easy chore.  Both the sew and slice quilts for my Elm Street Quilts March OMG have been quilted, bound, and a label attached.

The quilt for my new grandson was made larger than the second one below because Jonah is already walking and I wanted him to have something that would fit on a toddler bed.  The whale on the label is from Embroidery Library.

This one is for a baby shower.  It was made from scraps and remnants from the one above.  The applique for the label is an Accuquilt design and while having the die for cutting the applique makes the embroidery go faster, it is not necessary.  Templates to cut out the animals with scissors are included.  I purchased this set from the designer's website on Etsy:  V Stitch Designs

The back took as long as the front to piece.

Faux piping binding attached with a serpentine stitch.
 My knitting has been neglected but I squeezed in a test knit for designer on Ravelry.  Her booties are adorable and usually more detailed but we were working on a re-write of an early pattern that will have more sizes and the option to knit all sizes in the round.  This pattern is simple but attractive.  I like knitting socks and had a stray skein of sock yarn that would only make one adult sock so I volunteered to make a size medium and yes, I knit both but not two at a time like I make my socks.


  1. What fun labels! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  2. Cute quilts. I haven't sewn a stitch in weeks. I had to make an emergency trip to Texas, for a death. It has been a weird year so far.
