Monday, February 5, 2018

Elm Street Quilt February OMG: Another Baby Quilt

I had hopes of using EQ7 to give you all an idea of the sew and slice quilt I want to make for my next baby quilt.  Unfortunately, the program is not behaving.  Laying fabric on the living room floor is easier and viewing the results in photos has made the process of determining the fabrics and the order painless.  Why did I spend hours with EQ?
Sew and Slice Baby Quilt for February Elm Street Quilts OMG
The inspiration for this quilt was from one I saw on Pinterest:  Sew and Slice Quilt.  Since I don't have enough fabric for the inserted section, there will be a Dr. Seuss block added to expand it.  There will be sashing to frame like the sample.  My goal is to get this top done this month around a trip to see the grands this month.


  1. Nice group of fabrics. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  2. Oh, to where did the grands move? I Thought they were in Portland
