Monday, July 3, 2017

July OMG: Table Runner

We have busy times ahead.  I am not sure what will be a reasonable July OMG but I can try and see what progress I make with the table runners I promised my DiLs.  It is my intention to make a set of runners that they can use for holidays and year round.  One has most of the year covered except for general winter and fall season runners.  The other only has an all-seasons runner, Valentine's Day, and Halloween.

Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal July Linkup
Since I missed getting a patriotic runner done for tomorrow, piecing a fall table runner is my goal.  Since a rather recent acquisition is a tumbler template that will work for tall and short tumblers, there are several runners I would like to try:
And another:
Plus the pattern for the template I purchase:
Jenny at MSQC has some great videos for tumbler projects and Nancy Zieman has one for a runner with a Dresden plate template.

Now to decide and make one to accomplish my goal!


  1. Love making table runners! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  2. What a great set of tumbler table runners you've shared. I am now getting excited about doing one of them. Any of them. Wait, must focus on my OMG. Good luck with yours. Thanks for all of the inspiration.
