Sunday, February 5, 2017

February OMG

This month for my Elm Street Quilts OMG, I am aiming at getting the 3rd of the quilts made from the Windham Brights on the HandiQuilter and quilted.  It should only take a part of a morning to quilt.  Also, there is a piece of batting left from the January OMG that should work for this top and a number of scraps for creating a unique back.  There is plenty for binding, too.  It's a short month but the goal should be accomplished.


  1. That is a fun colorful quilt top. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck on your project.

  2. I've made this pattern, Sally--it's fun & quick. Love your colors in this cheery quilt top!

  3. Thank you for the encouraging comments. This quilt may go to our adopted granddaughter. Hopefully one will be approved for son and DiL this month. If not, another in the near future.
