Monday, October 24, 2016

Twice as Nice and All Wrapped Up

Next weekend is the next to the last visit to our CSA farm for organic produce.  This is our second year supporting a CSA farm in the this area.  I wanted to do it in Walla Walla because one of my son's classmates and her husband started one but I wasn't sure we would be able to use all the produce.  Last spring, when I started the 30 Juice Challenge, I knew it would be worth our investment.  We joined as half-share members picking up produce every other week rather than every Saturday.  It's a nice Saturday morning outing to beautiful farmland, something I miss seeing as I looked down my street to the wheat fields on the rolling hills surrounding Walla Walla.

This year our farmer and her helper who checks us in are getting a little gift in appreciation for a great season and the beautiful Holy Basil plant I now have on my patio.  Two aprons are ready to be gifted on Saturday.  The perfect fabric just happened to be hiding in my stash.


  1. That is perfect fabric. Love the details of ric rack on it, too. Great gifts.

  2. Thanks, Cheryl! This Cindy Taylor Oates' pattern is my favorite but I have so many aprons on my gift list this year, I think I need to try another one to keep me motivated.
