Friday, January 29, 2010


In May of '09, I posted a picture of the quilt I made for my mom:

Well, the time wasn't right to give it. Mom was packing up a whole house to make a major move. Now, my parents are finally getting comfortable in their new home and it just seems like the right time to present the quilt as a sort of house warming gift.

Wednesday, I embroidered a label for the quilt on my Janome MC10K. Yesterday, I made it into a framed block, and this morning while doing laundry, I stitched it on. I am glad to have the quilt ready to give and my Mom will have to keep the quilt because the label makes it hers! ;)


  1. what a wonderful way to personalize a quilt ... note to self: get an embroidery machine next!!

  2. I just had a chance to play with a friend's Janome 200E (read that as a lesson to help her figure out the machine). It is just an embroidery machine with a 5x5 inch design area. It was a very nice machine and not very expensive. 5x5 would make very nice quilt labels.

  3. Nice label....I purchased a 350E just for this inspire me...thank you
