Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Online Quilt Show

Amy @ Park City Girl is having an online quilt show. Entries are favorite quilts of the contestants. Well, mine is a repeat because this quilt is a favorite. I always wanted to make a quilt from the scraps left from my kids' summer jams and finally, I did it! Here is the Treadle On Mystery Quilt for 2009. The pattern was perfect for my scraps and I had fun making the quilt; so many special memories were sewn into the quilt. Thanks for letting me share!


  1. Such a lovely quilt! I like the idea of re-using fabrics!

  2. I bet your kids have fun looking at all the fabrics :)

  3. Wow what a bright and cheery quilt. Great idea to use the jams for the quilt. A real memory maker.

  4. I offered the jams quilt to DD, but she refused it! I thought it would go perfectly in her office/guest room. Every wall in the room is painted a different bright color and they are all in the quilt. Oh, well, I get to keep it. I am not disappointed.

  5. I love it! You did a great job.

  6. oh, I love quilts with black in them,,,what a great use of color!!

  7. Very nice. I too really like quilts with black in them. Great job.

  8. What a great quilt, plus it is so eco friendly :-) we all have to do our part even if it means making more quilts......oh the sacrifices we must make!

  9. Beautiful and bright - lovely!

  10. Great quilt! I made a baby quilt with the same pattern, with white and baby prints.

  11. An impressive use of black to let the bright colors sing without shouting.

  12. That's a great idea! No wonder it's your favorite!
