Sunday, April 13, 2008

Dr. Woodwell Wood Elixir and Twigless

Today was a pleasant 85 degrees in the Walla Walla Valley. We are finally warming up. Last week was in the 40's and 50's. I figured it was a good time to move the twigless White treadle cabinet out on the patio and try out Dr. Woodwell Wood Elixir.
I had heard wonderful reports about the miracles Dr. Woodwell performs on antique treadle cabinets. Twigless' finish was flaking and gone on top. Other surfaces were not as bad. The veneer was and is marred and chipped.

(Click photo to enlarge for detail)
But as you can see the product does as it claims to remove paint spatters and meld the old finish into one new surface. Where the finish was worn the most, the grain raised and I had to buff it with steel wool to even out the wood surface. It is lighter in those spots but still the results is worth the effort and fun to show off.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the post. I just bought an antique vanity and was thinking about using this product. What a difference!
